About Us

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
What we believe:
Progressive in our beliefs, passionate in our service, committed in our faith, the Federated Church seeks to be a radically inclusive place of worship. Because we are called to follow Jesus’s way of love, justice and inclusion, we declare ourselves to be an open and affirming community. We celebrate everyone, affirming the dignity and worth of all.
We hope to be part of building a community where all are welcomed fully as they are, where there is room for questions and critical inquiry, and where all can take part in sharing the good news of God's love.
Core Values
We value many things but the foremost values of our church are community, integrity, justice, grace, and generosity.
We are also a Green Chalice congregation. Together, we have committed to creatively engaging with issues of environmental justice and working for change in big and small ways.